Awakening the Oracle Within

Follow Your True Wisdom

Awakening the Oracle Within Join us for a Winter Solstice celebration where we will dive deep into the inner mysteries of your soul. We will take you through the process of death and rebirth so you can connect to your deepest knowing and follow your true wisdom. This workshop will help you to utilize and rely on your inner oracle to uncoil yourself and change your ego’s reality. Unwrap the riddle of the mystery of your true path and listen to that part of you who has always known the answer. An oracle is an energy through which the divine speaks and reveals hidden knowledge and divine purpose. By awakening your inner oracle you will anchor yourself to your higher feminine wisdom and develop a new way to rely on that part of you that knows the truth. The Winter Solstice is a time to go within, to hibernate, to watch your life flow, and to face the darkness to find the light. It is the moment that you become silent and truly hear what your inner voice needs you to know.

In This Course You Will:

  • Track your life to understand your current path

  • Slow down to hear your inner voice clearly

  • Release and transform your blocked energy

  • Gain answers to questions that plague you

  • Bring insight and awareness to elevate your consciousness

The Workshop Will Include:

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear your inner truth and take bold steps onto your destined path.

  • A solstice ceremony to invoke the power of nature and call in the forgotten energy of the oracle.

  • A deep meditation taking you within to discover the questions you need answered

  • A process to tap into that inner oracle to hear the wisdom deep inside you

  • Tools to practice cultivating bringing your inner oracle into your life.